CDBG Documents
The City of Clovis is requesting public comment on their 2023-2024 CDBG Consolidated Annual and Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER). Review the CAPER by clicking here. The public notice providing additional information is found on our webpage: www.cityofclovis.com/affordablehousing.
Accessibility and Language Services: If you require reasonable accommodation or need language assistance, translation services or interpretation services to participate in City programs please contact Claudia Cazares at (559) 324-2094. Notification of 48-hours prior to any meetings will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility.
NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION: It is the policy of the City of Clovis to not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, and sexual preference. If you have a complaint or concern, please contact the City of Clovis 504 Coordinator at (559) 324-2060.
Need Assistance Contacting the City of Clovis? California Relay Service provides specially trained Communication Assistants to relay conversations between deaf, hard of hearing, or speech-loss individuals and people who use a standard telephone. You can use this service to contact the City of Clovis by dialing 711.
Language Access Plan (English, Spanish and Hmong)
- Language Access Plan (English)
- Plan de Acceso Linguistico (español)
- Tswvyim Txhawb Hom Lus (Hmoob) (2024)
Citizen Participation Plan
- Citizen Participation Plan (2024)
- Plan de Participación Ciudadana (español) (2024)
- Pej Xeem Tswv Yim Kev Koom Tes (Hmoob) (2024)
CDBG Plans and Reports
As a recipient of CDBG funds, the City of Clovis is required to prepare and adopt an Annual Action Plan, which presents the City’s annual application to HUD for the funds. The City is also required to prepare and adopt the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER), which presents the City’s performance in implementing the CDBG program for the preceding fiscal year. Below you can find the current and previous year’s Annual Action Plans and CAPERs.