Clovis WebGIS – Geographic Information System
These GIS layers listed below are available in ESRI’s standard XML workspace document zip file format and Autodesk’s DWG file format.
Please download them to your computer as needed. ESRI user you will need to unzip the downloaded file to gain access to the “XML workspace document” file. Just right-click on a file geodatabase and navigate to import the XML workspace document from the unzipped folder. Autodesk users can open the DWG file as-is.
Title | DWG | XML |
Address Points | Address.dwg | Address.zip |
Annexation History | CityHistory.dwg | CityHistory.zip |
Assessor's Parcels | PdsEngParcels.dwg | PdsEngParcels.zip |
Clovis City Limits | CityLimits.dwg | CityLimits.zip |
Clovis Fire Station Locations | CurrentFireStations.dwg | CurrentFireStations.zip |
Curbs | Curb.dwg | Curb.zip |
Fire Station Response Areas | FireResponseAreas.dwg | FireResponseAreas.zip |
General Plan | GeneralPlan.dwg | GeneralPlan.zip |
Gutters | Gutter.dwg | Gutter.zip |
Parking and Business Improvement Area | PBIA.dwg | PBIA.zip |
Parks | PudPrkParks.dwg | PudPrkParks.zip |
Police Beats | PoliceBeats.dwg | PoliceBeats.zip |
Sphere of Influence | CitySpheres.dwg | CitySpheres.zip |
Street Centerlines | Streets.dwg | Streets.zip |
Tract Map Boundaries | TractMapBoundary.dwg | TractMapBoundary.zip |
Zoning | Zoning.dwg | Zoning.zip |
Trail and Paseos | ClovisTrails.zip |