Planning and Development
The Planning and Development Services Department is organized with the client in mind. With the divisions of planning, engineering, and building inspections all under one department, we offer our clients a one-stop approach to conducting their business. From the minute they walk in the door, clients have access to all of our services under one roof — from initial exploration of the planning process to engineering reviews and final approval.
Planning Division
Planning staff is responsible for long-range planning and on-going efforts that involve the review of residential subdivisions, apartment complexes, conditional use permits, and variances to the zoning ordinances.
Building Division
Building inspectors and plans examiners provide for community minimum standards to safeguard health, property, and the public welfare. This is accomplished by regulating and controlling the design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy, location, and maintenance of all buildings and structures within the city.
Engineering Division
Staff engineers ensure private development meets all city conditions and standards with regard to development. The division also implements the city Community Investment Program, constructing new infrastructure and maintaining and repairing existing infrastructure, to enhance the safety and security of the community.