On September 7, 2021, the City of Clovis completed construction of its rubberized cape seal project. This project was funded in part by a rubberized pavement grant, totaling $84,871.00, from CalRecycle.
The project involved applying approximately 85,000 square yards± of rubberized cape seal and 224,000 square yards± of Type II slurry seal on various local streets around the city. The rubberized cape seal involved an application of asphalt rubber chip seal and an application of slurry seal at each location. The chip seal binder contained 100% recycled California waste tires at a minimum of 15% by weight in the asphalt rubber binder. The work also included the removal of all existing traffic striping, markings, markers, furnishing and installation/application of rubberized asphalt chip seal, Type II slurry seal, traffic control, street sweeping, cleanup, traffic striping, and all other items or details required.
The City of Clovis diverted 4,812 California waste tires from the waste stream as a result of the project.