Active Transportation Plan Update
The City of Clovis’ Active Transportation Plan (ATP) has been updated and was accepted by the Clovis City Council on Monday November 13,2023. The ATP Update supports walking, bicycling, transit, and use of other emerging modes of personal transport as alternatives to driving within Clovis, to neighboring cities, and regional destinations.
Email Us
If you have any questions regarding the Active Transportation Plan please reach out to:
Tatiana Partain, Management Analyst
(559) 324-2321
Environmental Review
The City has updated an Initial Study/Negative Declaration (IS/ND) on the potential environmental effects of the adoption of the City’s ATP Update. It can be reviewed at the link provided below. The City of Clovis will act as the Lead Agency for this project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines.
Recirculated Negative Declaration – City of Clovis Active Transportation Plan Update
Notice of Intent / Notice of Public Hearing – Planning Commission 10/26/23

Previous ATP Information can be found here.