City of Clovis • 1033 Fifth St • Clovis, CA • 93612 • TTY 711

General Services
In Clovis, the General Services Department provides a range of services for residents and visitors. In addition to these visible public services – Senior Services, Transit, and Clovis Recreation programs — the department also handles personnel, and purchasing, ensuring fair and equitable opportunities and conditions for all interested in conducting business with the city.
Behind the scenes, General Services also provides a range of services to other City departments, making it possible for workers in those areas to serve the public more efficiently and effectively as well. For one, General Services maintains all City facilities, including the Police and Fire Headquarters, City Hall, the Senior Activity Center, Public Utilities yard, the Clovis Recreation Center, and five fire stations. In addition to maintenance, General Services provides power, lighting, heating, ventilating, and cooling for all City buildings. Recent energy-saving measures, including the addition of a computerized energy-management system and replacement of the City’s main HVAC chiller unit, have trimmed power bills 25 to 30 percent in some buildings.