The City of Clovis issues traffic advisories for the safety and convenience of the commuting public. Please check this page frequently for updated conditions. As always, when roadways are under construction or restrictions, drivers are encouraged to plan their routes accordingly, give themselves enough time to traverse the area safely and comfortably, or to avoid the area altogether, if possible.

Live Map

Below you can see a live map around the City of Clovis, which includes live traffic updates. NOTE: This map may not display properly in Internet Explorer. Please use a different browser. 

Questions and Comments

Do you have questions or comments about road construction projects?

The Engineering Division is committed to maintaining the roads in good condition and making travel safe for the public. We realize that road construction projects can cause temporary inconveniences and delays for motorists, and we strive to keep those inconveniences to a minimum through careful planning and advance notice to neighborhoods and businesses affected by the projects.

If you have a question or concern about a particular road construction project, please visit our Projects Page to find more information or email us at

Road Closures