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City of Clovis Vendor Portal – Planet Bids

Bulletin Board Requirements

The prime contractor must erect a bulletin board on the construction site for posting notices required by Federal and State laws. The bulletin board must be located in a conspicuous place and be available at all times to employees and applicants for employment. Employees must be able to view the required United States Department of Labor and FHWA posters. A binder with the required posters has been deemed an unacceptable alternative to a bulletin board. Federal posters are posted at:  http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/programadmin/contracts/poster.cfm

Projects Currently Accepting Bids


Project No.:

CIP 23-02

Project Title:

Herndon Avenue Street Improvements


Herndon Avenue from Fowler Avenue to Armstrong Avenue

Scope of Work:

This project involves ±0.5 miles of street improvements on Herndon Avenue from Fowler Avenue to Armstrong Avenue. Project improvements include removing and replacing existing AC pavement, replacement of concrete curb returns, concrete sidewalk, adjustments of utility boxes, manholes, and utility valve boxes to finished grade, replacements of traffic striping, markings and signage, traffic signal modification, and reinstallation of traffic loop detectors.




Contract Time:

Thirty (30) Working Days


California Contractor License Class A or C12

Open Date:

Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 2:00 p.m.


Bid Documents:

Digital copies of construction documents and all related bidding documents can be downloaded for free online at PlanetBids.



Jacob Redelfs, Engineer II (559) 324-2376

2nd Contact:

Fernando Copetti-Visciglio, Supervising Civil Engineer (559) 324-2394


Project No.:

CIP 21-17

Project Title:

Barstow Avenue Rehabilitation


Barstow Avenue – Villa to Minnewawa

Scope of Work:

The project scope of work consists of rehabilitating AC pavement; modifying/reconstructing curbs ramps; adjusting valve boxes and manholes to finished grade; installing storm drain pipe, inlet and manhole; modifying traffic signals; replacing loop detectors; and restriping.




Contract Time:

Twenty-Five (25) Working Days


California Contractor License Class A or C-12

Open Date:

Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 2:00 p.m.


Bid Documents:

Digital copies of construction documents and all related bidding documents can be downloaded for free online at PlanetBids.



Tiffany Ljuba-Silguero, Engineer II (559) 324-2396

2nd Contact:

Fernando Copetti-Visciglio, Supervising Civil Engineer (559) 324-2394


Bid Results

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