Annexation to the City of Clovis

Development projects adjacent to the city limits and within the sphere of influence require annexation to the City of Clovis. The City of Clovis considers annexation to the City beneficial both to prospective residents of Clovis and to the City. Annexations are however, subject to legal procedures and policy guidelines established to ensure orderly City growth and the efficient provision of service to new City residents and to remaining County residents. 

Proposals for reorganization are subject to the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000, and to review by the Fresno County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). A Local Agency Formation Commission has been established in each county of California to serve as an impartial body responsible for overseeing the formation and boundary changes of cities and special districts. LAFCO is required by state law to review and make a determination of approval or denial of all annexations or other changes of organization to cities and special districts. 

The act of reorganization transfers political jurisdiction for an area from one local government agency to another. Reorganizations are characterized as either uninhabited (less than 12 registered voters) or inhabited (12 or more registered voters). An annexation to a city that includes detachment from special districts located in the county is called reorganization. Annexations to the City of Clovis involve detachment of the area to be annexed from the Fresno County Fire Protection District and the Kings River Conservation District and are therefore, entitled “reorganizations.” 

Annexation Process

Property owners interested in having their property annexed to Clovis should direct any questions to the Planning Division (559) 324-2340. City staff will discuss the details of the annexation process and the proposal. 

During this initial discussion, City staff will assist the applicant in determining the prospects for City and LAFCO approval of the annexation and review the annexation application processing fees. Each annexation proposal can be unique, and there are a number of factors that can affect the prospects for gaining approval. 

Generally, the annexation proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the following: 

  • The property must be located within the City’s Sphere of Influence and be contiguous to the existing City limits
  • A majority of the property owners in the proposal area must consent, in writing, to the annexation
  • Urban services must be adjacent to the property or there must be a commitment, as demonstrated in the service plan for the property, to make such urban services available to the property within three years
  • The proposal encourages orderly urban expansion, is needed to meet growth needs of the community, and does not create isolated City service areas or county islands. 

Once a property owner has expressed interest in annexation, City staff may survey adjacent property owners in the general area to determine if there is broad interest in annexing a larger area. The City initiates contact through a letter explaining the benefits derived from annexation to Clovis. If necessary, a meeting may be scheduled between the property owners and City staff to allow for questions and answers about the proposal and the annexation process in general.

Public hearings to make decisions about annexations are held by the Local Agency Formation Commission. Notices for these public hearings are the responsibility of LAFCO.


Local Agency Formation Commissions

Local Agency Formation Commissions – Why Were They Created?

Land use boundaries shape the future of cities and states. These lines dictate who gets to develop, who pays which taxes for certain public services, and who benefits from those public services. Boundaries also regulate growth inducing facilities. The California Legislature created Local Agency Formation Commissions to draw those land use boundary lines for cities and special districts. The main purpose of these invisible lines is to guide the orderly growth and development of cities, deter urban sprawl, consolidate special district services where applicable, and ultimately to reduce or eliminate unnecessary taxpayer burdens. Local Agency Formation Commissions also coordinate the logical and timely boundary changes of local agencies and special districts, they prepare special studies that assist in the reorganization and simplification of local government structures, as well as prepare spheres of influence for each local municipality and special district. To date, each of the 58 counties in California, including San Francisco, have a Local Agency Formation Commission available to serve its local citizens.

For over 50 years, Local Agency Formation Commissions have strived to be a visible and valuable entity to public agencies, special districts, and citizens. These state-mandated regulators have a primary purpose: to coordinate the logical and timely boundary changes of cities, counties, and special districts. Over the years, the State Legislature has repealed and comprehensively revised their governing acts; the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 presently governs Local Agency Formation Commissions. As California continues its journey into the 21st Century, Local Agency Formation Commissions remain pivotal to smart growth planning efforts, because they are on the frontline of strategizing and determining how best to handle and share the burdens of population growth in our great State.