In an effort to accelerate housing construction throughout California, the State legislature passed a series of laws to encourage Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) in single and multi-family neighborhoods. ADUs are an innovative and affordable option for increasing housing within the City. ADUs provide a way for the City to expand its housing stock and may provide additional income for property owners.
The City has responded to the State’s direction by incorporating development standards for ADUs consistent with State law. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (559) 324-2340.
What is an ADU?
An ADU is a secondary housing unit on a single – or multi-family residential lot that provides complete independent living facilities including kitchen and bathroom facilities for one or more persons.
What is a Junior ADU?
A JUNIOR ADU is an ADU of no more than 500 square feet and is contained entirely within an existing primary dwelling unit, including an attached garage. Owner-occupancy is required for a single-family residence with a JADU. The owner may reside in either the single-family residence or the newly created JADU.
Types of ADUs

Separated from a primary dwelling unit.

Within a primary dwelling unit.

Attached to a primary dwelling unit.

Garage converted to an ADU.
Cottage Home Program
If your property has alley access and is within Clovis city limits then the City of Clovis’ Cottage Home Program could be right for you!
The Cottage Home Program offers residents an opportunity to construct one of three free streamlined Cottage Home plans on their property with a rear yard facing an alley.
To see if you qualify, visit our website for more information.
Financing for ADUs
The City of Clovis is in partnership with Self-Help Enterprises, a non-profit organization, that is providing financing to eligible propertyy owners seeking funding to build or repair ADUs on their existing single-family lot. The program targets the City of Clovis’ ADU Program/Cottage Home Program.
For more information, download the flyer here, or contact Juan Jaime at Self-Help Enterprises at 559-802-1642 or at