Community Meeting Details
A community meeting was held on Tuesday, August 10, 2021. At the meeting, the community was presented with information regarding:
- Community Schedule
- Project Elements
- Traffic Control Strategies During Construction
- Q&A from the Public
A recording of the meeting can be found below as well as the PowerPoint Presentation.
For questions regarding this project or the meeting please contact Fernando Copetti, Project Engineer at (559)324-2394 or by email at fernandoc@cityofclovis.com
– PowerPoint from the August 10, 2021 Public Meeting
Project Details
The City of Clovis is undertaking the widening of the Shaw Avenue from DeWolf Avenue to McCall Avenue. These improvements will provide 3 eastbound lanes between DeWolf and McCall and 3 westbound lanes from DeWolf to Highland with 2 westbound lanes east of Highland. The project will include raised median island, curb and gutter and streetlights as well as new traffic signals at Leonard Avenue and at McCall Avenue. In addition to the road work, the City of Clovis will construct sewer and water infrastructure necessary for future development.
To accomplish such a large construction project such as this took the joint efforts of the City of Clovis and the County of Fresno. Both agencies have jurisdiction along this stretch of Shaw Avenue and required a coordinated effort from everyone during the design phase, permit and land acquisition phase, and in the future during construction. The project has been broken down into two phases. The first phase will include all improvements east of Leonard Avenue and the second phase will include all improvements between DeWolf and Leonard Avenues, including the construction of an overpass that will allow direct connection of the commercial developments on the north and south sides of Shaw Avenue.
(Phase 2 – Overpass under Shaw Avenue)
In order to complete the project, PG&E overhead utilities as well as some gas pipelines will need to be relocated. Therefore, the timing of the phase 1 construction is largely dependent on the availability of PG&E crews which have not yet been scheduled. It is expected that construction will begin in early to mid-September and will take approximately 10 to 12 months to complete. During that time, there will be prolonged time periods when segments of Shaw Avenue will be closed to traffic in order to expedite construction.
For information about Measure C, please click here.