California Environmental Quality Act Reviews
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq) requires that local governmental agencies, prior to taking action on projects over which they have discretionary approval authority, consider the environmental consequences of such projects. The purpose of CEQA is:
- Inform governmental decision makers and the public about the potential significant environmental effects of proposed activities.
- Identify ways that environmental damage can be avoided or significantly reduced.
- Prevent significant, avoidable damage to the environment by requiring changes in projects through the use of alternatives or mitigation measures when the governmental agency finds the changes feasible.
- And, disclose to the public the reasons why a governmental agency approved the project in the manner the agency chose, if significant environmental effects are involved.
This site contains CEQA notices, environmental review documents and additional CEQA Resources for proposed projects conducted by the City in compliance with CEQA.
CEQA Notices
RO310, R2024-005, TM6375, PDP2024-001 Notice of Intent – MND
CUP2024-006, Filed Notice of Exemption
CUP2024-010, Filed Notice of Exemption
TM6452 – Notice of Determination
CUP2024-009 – Notice of Exemption
CUP2024-011 – Notice of Exemption
R2024-007 – Notice of Exemption
RO310, R2024-05, TM6375, PDP2024-001 – Notice of Determination
Specific Project Environmental Documents
The City of Clovis is the lead agency for the preparation of project-level Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Vista Ranch Project (Project), in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act.
The Project is located directly northeast of the City of Clovis limit line. The Project site is bounded on the north by East Behymer Avenue, on the east by Big Dry Creek Reservoir, on the south by East Shepherd and East Perrin Avenues, and on the west by North Fowler and North Sunnyside Avenues. The Project site is approximately 952 acres and includes a City of Clovis Sphere of Influence (SOI) expansion for the entire 952-acre area. Within the Project site there is the Vista Ranch Master Plan area that is approximately 507 acres that would be annexed into the City of Clovis. The Vista Ranch Master Plan is divided into two areas (MPArea 1 and MPArea 2) based on entitlement requests and the level of design available. MPArea 1 is 368 acres proposed for full entitlements to develop immediately. Entitlements within MPArea 1 include an annexation, general plan amendments, pre-zoning, master plan community overlay district and vesting tentative map. The remaining 139 acres in the Vista Ranch Master Plan (MPArea 2) does not include full entitlements and would require further environmental review to enable future development once more detailed design work is performed. There are also 445 acres of land outside of the Vista Ranch Master Plan, but within the Project site. This area is referred to as Non-Development Area and is part of the SOI expansion but does not propose any other entitlements that would enable development.
The City of Clovis (City) is the lead agency responsible for preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for The Villages Specific Plan.
The Heritage Development Company (Project Applicant) has requested to urbanize approximately 881 acres currently outside the City limits, but within the City’s sphere of influence. The area proposed for development (referred to as the Specific Plan Area), is located within the Northwest Urban Center area identified in the City’s General Plan. The general boundaries of the proposed Specific Plan Area are N. Willow Avenue to the west, W. Shepherd Avenue to the south, N. Sunnyside Avenue to the east, and (north of) E. Behymer Avenue to the north.
This initial study has been prepared for the proposed project associated with entitlement application R2024-004. The application requests an amendment to the existing Tuscan Village Planned Commercial Center (PCC), renaming the center to the Golden Triangle, updating the master plan district standards and guidelines, and updating the preliminary development plan.