Vong Mouanoutoua

Mayor Pro Tem
Diane Pearce

Lynne Ashbeck

Matt Basgall

Drew Bessinger
Clovis City Council
As the elected legislative body of the City of Clovis, the City Council has overall responsibility for the scope, direction, and financing of City services. The City Council, as the legislative body, establishes policy that is administered and implemented through full time staff under the Council-Manager form of government. The Council is also responsible for establishing land use policies through the General Plan and zoning regulations.
Clovis voters, at large, elect a 5-member Council to serve as the City’s legislative and governing body. The members serve 4 year terms and they elect one member to serve as mayor and one to serve as mayor pro tem for two years. A general municipal election is held every two years, alternating, between two and three, positions each cycle.
Under the Council-Manager form of government, the City Council provides policy direction to the City Manager, who is responsible for administering City operations. In setting policy, the Council works closely with citizen advisory commissions and committees, considers staff information and recommendations, and receives comments from the general public.
City Council Meeting Time
Clovis City Council meetings are held at 6:00 p.m. on the first, second, and third Mondays of each month unless such Monday is a legal holiday, in which event the meeting will be held on the next business day at 6:00 p.m. (Ordinance 09-24).
Clovis Commissions and Committees
Appointed Commission and Committee
Members The City of Clovis was founded with the concept of Citizen Government, and as such the City Council seeks input from community members via a variety of commissions and committees, such as the Planning Commission and Personnel Commission.
Clovis Planning Commission
Members of the Planning Commission are appointed by the Mayor, subject to approval of the City Council, to fill four-year terms, and individuals must be residents of the City of Clovis to be eligible to serve on the Commission.
The Planning Commission meets monthly, on the fourth Thursday of the month, at 6pm in the City Council Chamber.
Committee Appointments
Clovis Committee on Senior Activities Advisory Board makes recommendations to the City regarding Senior Center activities; comprised of Jolly Times representative, Hot Meal representative, AARP representative, Clovis Memorial District representative and the City representative. Appointed by Mayor for a two-year term.
Consolidated Mosquito Abatement District appointed as City representative to the Mosquito Abatement District. Recommended by Mayor with vote of City Council. New members appointed to a first term of two years; consecutive re-appointments may be for two or four years.
Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control Board of Directors (FMFCD) City representative to Governing Board of FMFCD. Appointed by Council for a four-year term, and can be re-appointed for consecutive terms.
Please contact the City Manager’s Office at 559-324-2060 for information about any upcoming committee appointments.