Vista Ranch – SOI
The Vista Ranch Sphere of Influence (SOI) Amendment is a request to expand the City of Clovis SOI by ±952 acres north of Shepherd Avenue, east of Sunnyside and Fowler Avenues, as shown in the image below. This webpage is intended to provide the most up-to-date information related to the proposal and to provide a way for the public to submit comments, questions, or concerns using the text box below. Please feel free to check this page at your own leisure and as public hearings and/or neighborhood meetings are scheduled, the date, time, and location will be identified below.
Project Manager
- Please direct any correspondence to McKencie Perez, MPA, Senior Planner:
- Phone:559-324-2310
- Emailmckenciep@clovisca.govOpens in your application
Comments, Questions, or Concerns
You may submit comments, questions, or concerns related to the project by either contacting McKencie Perez, MPA, Senior Planner, at the information above or simply by completing the following sections below. All correspondence using the section below will go directly to McKencie Perez, MPA.
Upcoming Public Hearings
Date: TBD
Time: 6:00 p.m. (all public hearings start at 6:00 p.m.)
Location: City of Clovis Council Chambers, 1033 Fifth Street, Clovis, CA 93612
Previous Public Hearing
Timeline of Events
This timeline highlights some of the events that have occurred since the original request was received by City staff. It includes past events, as well as anticipated future dates of milestones and/or meetings. The timeline will stay up-to-date based on the best available scheduling information known.
City Council approved request to enter into an agreement for preparation of an EIR for a +/- 923 acres SOI amendment.
City Council approved request to reduce SOI amendment from +/-1,050 acres to +/-155 acres, referred to as the Shepherd North SOI amendment.
City Council approved request to enter into an agreement for preparation of an EIR for +/-1,050 acre SOI amendment.
City Staff holds a neighborhood meeting at the Clovis Senior Center.
City Council provides direction for staff to proceed with an amended request by the applicant to increase the acreage proposed as part of the SOI amendment.
City issues a Request for Proposal (RFP) for preparation of technical studies and an EIR for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Applicant requests staff continue the process and seek out an environmental consultant to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
Applicant requests that the project be placed on hold as a result of COVID-19.
City Council provides formal authorization for staff to proceed and to begin seeking out an environmental consultant to prepare technical studies
City Council considers request and provides direction to City Staff to continue working with the request.
Staff receives formal request by applicant to present the request for an SOI amendment to the Clovis City Council.
Staff receives initial request by applicant for internal consideration of an amendment to the City of Clovis Sphere of Influence (SOI)