Master Service Plan
The Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) requires that agencies submitting a resolution of application for a change of organization or reorganization submit a plan for providing services within the affected territory (Govt. Code §56653(a)). This Master Service Plan includes:
- An enumeration and description of the services to be extended to the affected territory.
- The level and range of those services.
- An indication of when those services can feasibly be extended to the affected territory.
- An indication of any improvement or upgrading of structures, roads, sewer or water facilities, or other conditions the local agency would impose or require within the affected territory if the change of organization or reorganization is completed.
- Information with respect to how those services will be financed.
Master Service Plan
Supporting Documents
- 2017 Draft Recycled Water Master Plan
- 2017 Draft Wastewater Master Plan
- 2017 Draft Wastewater Master Plan Figures
- 2017 Draft Water Master Plan
- 2017 Draft Water Master Plan Figures
- Clovis Recycled Water Master Plan
- Clovis Wastewater Master Plan 1-B
- Clovis Wastewater Master Plan 2
- Clovis Water Master Plan Phase 1
- Clovis Water Master Plan Phase 2