
The air quality element addresses the role of local land use planning in improving regional air quality. 

Key Issues

The air quality element augments other General Plan elements with specific goals and policies to assist efforts in attaining better air quality for Clovis and the San Joaquin Valley. The element addresses the relationship between growth, land use activities, and transportation needs. Unlike other elements, it also provides policy guidance for construction, ongoing operations, and other activities.

Details in compliance with California Government Code Section 65302.1, describing local air quality conditions, including air quality monitoring data, emission inventories, lists of significant source categories, attainment status and designations, and applicable state and federal air quality plans and transportation plans are included in the EIR. The EIR also contains a summary of local, district, state, and federal policies, programs, and regulations that may improve air quality in the city or county. Finally, the EIR contains feasible implementation measures designed to carry out the goals and policies in this element.


OVERARCHING GOAL: Improved air quality through effective land use and transportation planning, regional cooperation, and a reduction in emissions.

Policy 1.1: Land use and transportation. Reduce greenhouse gas and other local pollutant emissions through mixed use and transit-oriented development and well-designed transit, pedestrian, and bicycle systems.

Policy 1.2: Sensitive Land Uses. Prohibit, without sufficient mitigation, the future siting of sensitive land uses within the distances of emission sources as defined by the California Air Resources Board. 

Policy 1.3: Construction activities. Encourage the use of best management practices during construction activities to reduce emissions of criteria pollutants as outlined by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD).

Policy 1.4: City buildings. Require that municipal buildings be designed to exceed energy and water conservation and greenhouse gas reduction standards set in the California Building Code. 

Policy 1.5: Fleet operations. Purchase low- or zero-emission vehicles for the city’s fleet where feasible. Use clean fuel sources for city-owned mass transit vehicles, automobiles, trucks, and heavy equipment where feasible.

Policy 1.6: Alternative fuel infrastructure. Encourage public and private activity and employment centers to incorporate electric charging and alternative fuel stations.

Policy 1.7: Employment measures. Encourage employers to provide programs, scheduling options, incentives, and information to reduce vehicle miles traveled by employees.

Policy 1.8: Trees. Maintain or plant trees where appropriate to provide shade, absorb carbon, improve oxygenation, slow stormwater runoff, and reduce the heat island effect.

Policy 2.1: Regional coordination. Support regional efforts to reduce air pollution (criteria air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions) and collaborate with other agencies to improve air quality at the emission source and reduce vehicle miles traveled. 

Policy 2.2: Cross-jurisdictional issues. Collaborate with regional agencies and surrounding jurisdictions to address cross-jurisdictional transportation and air quality issues.

Policy 2.3: Valleywide programs. Establish parallel air quality programs and implementation measures with other communities across the San Joaquin Valley.

Policy 2.4: Public participation. Encourage participation of local citizens, the business community, and interested groups and individuals in air quality planning and implementation.

Policy 2.5: Public education. Promote programs that educate the public about regional air quality issues and solutions.

Policy 2.6: Innovative mitigation. Encourage innovative mitigation measures to reduce air quality impacts by coordinating with the SJVAPCD, project applicants, and other interested parties.