Water is a precious resource
We’d like to remind Clovis residents how important it is for
each of us to conserve water. Some easy ways to do this are watering only on
assigned days, reducing irrigation run times to eliminate runoff, being mindful
of daily water usage, and taking advantage of our water-efficient appliance
rebate program. Information on these conservation tips, and more, can be found below.
If you have questions or would like to request assistance with setting the
timers on your sprinkler system to the new schedule, please contact the Public
Utilities Department at (559) 324-2600.
As an urban water supplier, Clovis is required, pursuant to the California Water Code sections 10610 to 10656, to prepare and adopt an Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) and Water Shortage Contingency Plan (WSCP). Copies of the updated plans can be accessed below.
Water Conservation & Irrigation Schedule
Irrigation Rules: During and within 48 hours of measurable rainfall, outdoor irrigation is prohibited. Please ensure that sprinklers are not watering hardscape and there should be minimal runoff.
The City of Clovis is dependent on groundwater and surface water for its water supply. Because we are committed to conservation, the following outdoor watering schedule is in effect throughout the City. Please note: “Outdoor watering” applies to any type of outdoor water use, including lawn/plant irrigation, vehicle washing, etc. Automatic shut-off nozzles must be used when utilizing a hose.
Effective April 1 through October 31
- Customers with ODD-numbered addresses will be allowed to use water outdoors on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays only.
- Customers with EVEN-numbered addresses will be allowed to use water outdoors on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays only.
- No outdoor water use on Mondays.
Effective November 1 through March 31
- Customers with ODD-numbered addresses will be allowed to use water outdoors on Saturdays only.
- Customers with EVEN-numbered addresses will be allowed to use water outdoors on Sundays only.
- No outdoor water use Monday through Friday.
During your watering day, you are not restricted to a particular hour for watering. Please keep in mind that watering earlier in the day will reduce the amount of evaporation that occurs.
Effective 3/27/2015, the application of potable water to outdoor landscapes during and within 48 hours after measurable rainfall is prohibited.
Help Conserve Water
You can help conserve water by following these guidelines:
- Landscape Audits – If you would like to get ideas on how to save water in your landscape irrigation, please contact the City at (559) 324-2600 to schedule an audit. Staff can assist with programming sprinkler controllers and provide tips on how to reduce your water needs for outside irrigation.
- Drought Tolerant Plants – The City has developed a list of plants which are very low, low, or moderate in water requirements to assist customers in selecting the appropriate plants for their landscapes. Plants which use similar amounts of water should be grouped together and be placed on the same sprinkler valve so that irrigation can be tailored to the plants’ specific water needs. The Clovis Botanical Garden has additional information on plants that are native to the area. See their website for information at http://clovisbotanicalgarden.org/.
- Interior Audits – Audits of interior water use can be arranged by calling (559) 324-2600. The City can provide low flow shower heads and faucet aerators, as well as provide tips on how to reduce your interior water needs.
- Swimming Pool Draining – Customers are discouraged from draining their pools during the drought. However, if it has to be done for major repairs, customers need to contact the Public Utilities Department at (559) 324-2600 prior to draining their swimming pool. Pool water must be clean and dechlorinated and the gutter clear of obstructions in order to drain to the gutter. Water that is chlorinated has diatomaceous earth, algae, or other impurities and must be drained to the sanitary sewer cleanout. For additional information, please contact the Public Utilities Department at (559) 324-2600.
Central Valley Friendly Landscaping Awards – The Central Valley Friendly Landscaping Awards program recognizes Central Valley gardeners who follow water-wise gardening practices. The program is open to residential gardeners and commercial landscapers within the Fresno/Clovis metropolitan area. The goal of the program is to recognize local landscapes as a community model, encouraging others to protect and conserve our water and other natural resources. To learn more information about the program, please visit the website at http://ucanr.org/sites/cvlandscape/ or click on the information brochure link Central Valley Friendly Landscaping brochure.
- Save Our Water – The State of California has a web site with ideas and tips on how to save water during the drought. See their website for information at http://saveourwater.com.
Other Conservation Resources
In addition to the water conservation programs the City offers, the State of California’s Save Our Water website has additional information and resources to help with conservation efforts. We encourage Clovis residents and customers to take advantage of these tools.
The Department of Water Resources has added links to useful resources to guide home owners in planning re-landscaping projects. These links are on DWR’s turf webpage for Landscape & Plant Guidance. The links provide guidance on how to remove your turf, as well as planning and implementing your project.
Thank you for your continued efforts in conserving water.
Clovis Water
It is very important to the City to provide our customers with the highest quality of water possible. The City samples the water served to customers at the source, after treatment, and in the distribution system. Each of these samples is analyzed to ascertain that the quality of the water meets all state and federal standards for water quality.
Please review the latest Consumer Confidence Report for detailed information of water quality sampling conducted on the City’s water supply. For additional questions, please call (559) 324-2600.
Water Leak Information
The City is responsible for water leaks that are on City water mains or on water services leading from the water main to the water meter. Water mains are usually located in the street or alley. If you observe a water leak on a City water main or water service up to the water meter, please call (559) 324-2600 or use the contact form. Leaks which are located behind the water meter are the customer’s responsibility to repair.
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) gives local agencies the authorities to manage groundwater in a sustainable manner and allows for limited state intervention when necessary to protect groundwater resources. The SGMA requires the creation of groundwater sustainability agencies to develop and implement local plans, allowing 20 years to achieve sustainability. The City of Clovis is participating with other local agencies in the North Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency (NKGSA). Over the next few years, the Agency will be developing a plan that will guide the area in providing groundwater sustainability. For more information on the NKGSA, please visit the North Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency website at www.northkingsgsa.org.
Surface Water Treatment Plant
Prior to the July 2004 commissioning of the Clovis Surface Water Treatment Plant (located on the eastern outskirts of the City), Clovis was facing a potential water shortage. The City’s groundwater wells and recharge facilities could no longer keep up with the demands of the City’s growth. Without the new water plant, the groundwater supplies could no longer support the water demands of the City.
In a span of 15 months, a 20-acre parcel of land was transformed from pasture land to a fully-functioning surface water treatment plant, converting raw water from the Enterprise Canal (originating from the Kings River) into a potable water source for the residents of Clovis.
The additional water production from the water plant enables the City to turn off a portion of its groundwater wells throughout the year, resulting in the replenishment of the water table. With the immediate capability of treating and delivering up to 22.5 million gallons per day of potable water to the City’s customers (expandable to 45 million gallons per day), the water needs for Clovis will be sustainable for the future.
Other Resources
- Sewer System Management Plan
- 2021 Sewer System Management Plan Audit
- Certified Backflow Testers
- Consumer Confidence Report
- Groundwater Management Plan 2006
- Recycled Water Master Plan 2005
- Recycled Water Use Rules & Regulations
- Wastewater Master Plan Update 2008
- Water Facilities Master Plan 2008
- Water Master Plan Phase I 1995
- Water Master Plan Phase II 1999