Village Green Food Truck Reservations
Welcome! Thank you for your interest in providing food truck services to Village Green, the city’s newest park in the heart of Loma Vista. Our food truck spaces are currently available on a first-come, first-served basis to those who meet our requirements. Here’s what to do to get started before providing services:
Park Information
Village Green is the first park of its kind in Clovis and features an amphitheater, clock tower, food truck spaces, a stunning water feature, open grass areas, attractive landscaping, trellises, evening lighting, walking paths, bike racks, restrooms, drinking fountains, several seating areas, and more. Looking to the future, Village Green will be home to a variety of special events, becoming a new community hub in Clovis.
LOCATION: 2610 Encino Ave, Clovis, CA 93619
HOURS: 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM
TRASH SERVICE: Per CMC 5.34.05 (Operational Requirements), please remove and take all trash with you. Limited space is available in park trash cans.
How To Get Started
*All food truck vendors must be licensed to operate in the City of Clovis. This means having a Clovis Business License, a Fresno County Mobile Food Vendor Permit, and a General Liability and Auto Insurance Certificate. If you do not have these items, you will not be authorized to use our food truck spaces and may risk a citation. Additionally, you must be in compliance with all applicable City Municipal Codes. So, how do you get started?
For more information and an application, visit https://cityofclovis.com/finance/business-license. You will need to prominently display your Business Tax Certificate while using the facility.
For more information and an application, visit https://www.fresnocountyca.gov/Departments/Public-Health/Environmental-Health/Consumer-Food-Program/Mobile-Food-Vendors
General Liability and Auto Insurance Certificates can be obtained from any number of private insurance companies.
Every permittee shall maintain in full force and effect commercial general liability insurance with the following minimum requirements:
- In an amount not less than $1,000,000.00 single limit per occurrence.
- The City of Clovis, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are named as additional insureds under the policy. The additional insured endorsement for the General Liability policy is a separate document and should accompany the certificate of General Liability insurance.
- Permittees operating a vehicle, truck, or trailer as a food vending vehicle shall also maintain in full force and effect comprehensive auto liability insurance in the amount not less than $1,000,000.00 single limit per occurrence.
- The City of Clovis requires all certificates of insurance to be submitted on a standard Acord Form.
Vendors must comply with all applicable City Municipal Codes, including CMC 5.34 (Food Truck Vending), CMC 10.2 (Use of City Park and Other City Public Facilities), and CMC 10.3 (Prohibited Acts in City Parks). The full code can be found here: https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/Clovis
Contact Information
For special events, use of the amphitheater, and questions related to food trucks, email timothyb@ci.clovis.ca.us