Business Registration
City of Clovis Business Registration & Tax Certificates
Welcome to Clovis as a Business Opportunity!
Click here to register your business, manage your account and pay online, or call (559) 324-2112.
To assist you in getting your business started, please use the following checklist of items that should be examined prior to opening your business. We hope that by reviewing this, we may better assist your efforts to get your business open in a timely manner.
- Did you know the City offers “Concierge Services” for new businesses? For questions you may contact the Economic Development Department at (559) 324-2083.
- Is the location you have selected properly zoned for the type of business you propose? Is there a need for a formal public hearing to obtain City approval prior to the opening of your business? For information, contact the Planning Division at (559) 324-2340.
- Have you checked to determine if the number of parking spaces on the site is adequate for your use? For information, contact the Planning Division at (559) 324-2340.
- Have you obtained sign review and permanent signs? For information, contact the Planning Division at (559) 324-2340.
- Have you checked municipal sign ordinance requirements regarding the use of temporary signs and advertising materials? For information, contact the Planning Division at (559) 324-2340.
- Is your business in compliance with fire and building safety requirements? For information, contact the Building Division at (559) 324-2390.
- Have you inquired about the “lead time” necessary in establishing new trash/garbage pick-up service? For information, contact the Finance Department at (559) 324-2130.
Help yourself minimize the chance of any unknown “surprise” expenses in this process. We invite your questions about any of these subjects. Please contact the referenced phone numbers above and we will do our best to help get your business started in Clovis.
Registration, Tax Certificate, and Permit Documents
Click here to register your business, manage your account, and pay online, or call (559) 324-2112.
If you prefer, you can also download the forms below.
- 2024 Business License Fees
- Business Registration and Tax Certificate Application
- Home Occupation Application
- Seasonal Lot Business Registration Application
- Temporary Business Registration Application
Minimum Registration Fees
A $4.00 state mandated fee (sb1186) is included in the below minimum registration fees. If your rate is higher than the minimum fee it will be added accordingly.
Inside City Limits
The business registration fee will be a calculated amount based on your business type rate, or the minimum registration fee, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. Minimum registration fees will be prorated to the calendar quarter in which the business is started. The maximum annual registration fee is $9,739.00*. (If your business is located within the Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area (PBIA) additional fees will apply.) Your business will be classified in accordance with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual.
If your business is a home based business located within the city limits of Clovis and your TOTAL gross receipts (both in and out of the city limits of Clovis) are under $5,000.00 your registration fee will be $73.00*.
For new businesses, business registration will be prorated to the appropriate quarter in which business began:
- 1st Quarter (January 1 to March 31): $239.00
- 2nd Quarter (April 1 to June 30): $180.00
- 3rd Quarter (July 1 to September 30): $122.00
- 4th Quarter (October 1 to December 31): $63.00
Outside City Limits
One Day Retail or special event registration for 1 day are $39.00. Note: If your event is more than one day, then a quarterly registration fee of $63.00* will be charged in lieu of the daily fee of $39.00.
If you are a service/delivery business, your registration fees will based on the size and number of vehicles coming into Clovis and the frequency of trips.
Quarterly Fee Per Size of Vehicle, Frequency of Trips
- One Ton or Less
- Once a week: $42.00
- Twice a week: $59.00
- Three or more times a week: $81.00
- One to Two Tons
- Once a week: $59.00
- Twice a week: $81.00
- Three or more times a week: $95.00
- Over Two Tons
- Once a week: $81.00
- Twice a week: $95.00
- Three or more times a week: $111.00