Clovis Parks
The City of Clovis Parks Division maintains approximately 285 acres of City parks and landscaping. As Clovis grows, our City is challenged to preserve the quality of life currently enjoyed. The benefits of an attractive and clean community are beyond measure. Through the efforts of its citizens, these benefits are made into a reality. The opportunity to enjoy community spirit, develop community responsibility, and realize community ownership awaits each of us and the next generation. It is this opportunity that ensures Clovis continues to be the beautiful community that it is.
Park Reservations
The City of Clovis accepts reservations at some park facilities.
We encourage you to utilize the online reservation system here.
Reservations may also be made in person at 155 N. Sunnyside Avenue between 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Call (559) 324-2600 during business hours for picnic site availability. (Please note that reservations cannot be made over the phone.)
Picnic areas that have not been reserved are available at no cost on a first-come, first-served basis.
*Village Green is not yet included in our reservation system. For more information on reserving food truck spaces at Village Green, click here.
Landscaping Information
- City of Clovis Recommended Tree List
- Drought Tolerant Plant List
- Tree Planting Guide
- Tree Pruning-Removal Permit