City of Clovis Lead Service Line Inventory Program
Program Overview
In January 2021, the EPA made changes to the Lead and Copper Rule, specifically with the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR). The U.S. EPA is requiring all large public water systems to complete a Lead Service Line Inventory (LSLI) in an effort to reduce the potential exposure of lead to the system’s customers.
The objective of the LSLI is to determine if there are any lead service lines in the water distribution system where the public and private (customer) connections exist. The use of lead in public water systems was banned in 1986. If your home was constructed in or after 1986, it is assumed that it is a lead-free home.
The inventory must be completed and submitted by October 16, 2024. The City of Clovis began surveying customer water connections in January 2023 and implemented a documentation program to keep track of the progress. This survey is the basis of the City’s LSLI.
What Do You Need To Know?
What is a service line?
A service line is the connection from the public water system to the customer. It consists of a City-owned portion from the City water main to the water meter, and a customer-owned portion from the meter to the house.
What is required with the new changes to the law?
The City is required to survey the water service connections and develop an inventory to document the material and physical address of each. The methodology of the inventory was submitted to and approved by the California Division of Drinking Water.
Why is this important?
If a pipe is made of lead, the lead can end up in your drinking water. This study meets the State of California criteria for declaring Clovis a lead-free system, which is a good thing for your drinking water!
Will the survey continue?
Yes! The City will continue to survey city and customer connections and log the information into our GIS system. This helps us understand our system better and provides a higher quality of service to our customers.

Lead Service Line Inventory Map
This map helps you visualize the City’s lead service line inventory and meets the reporting requirements of the EPA’s updated rule. Please note that the City of Clovis DOES NOT have lead water lines.