
The open space and conservation element seeks to protect and preserve open space, productive agricultural areas, and environmental resources. This element also establishes goals for the maintenance and provision of new and existing parks. 

Key Issues

The primary issue for the open space and conservation element is providing sufficient park space and recreation facilities to serve existing residents and planned growth. The element also seeks to celebrate and memorialize the community’s natural, agricultural, and cultural roots. Additionally, the element provides policies to protect water supply and quality.

The open space and conservation element and its associated figure set forth the goals, policies, and general parameters for the fiscally sound and sustainable development and protection of our open space resource system. These documents are conceptual in nature and serve as guidance. The specifics of the city’s park system such as the definition of the park classification system, general development criteria for each classification, and inventory of sites will be determined under the comprehensive City of Clovis Parks Master Plan. Guidance is also provided by the Urban Forest Management Plan.

Figure OS-1 is reflective of the current draft City of Clovis Parks Master Plan.  Once approved, this Plan will be updated periodically and serve as the guiding document for the implementation of the city’s open space facilities.


OVERARCHING GOAL: Recreation and open space that enhances quality of life, contributes to a healthy community, and conserves Clovis’ natural and cultural resources. 

Policy 1.1: Parkland standard. Provide a minimum of 4 acres of public parkland for every 1,000 residents.

Policy 1.2: Existing parks. Upgrade and rehabilitate existing parks as necessary to meet the needs of the community and as the financial resources of the city allow.

Policy 1.3: New parks and recreation facilities. Provide a variety of parks and recreation facilities in undeserved and growing areas of the community.

Policy 1.4: Joint use of education facilities. Provide a balanced system of parks and recreation facilities through joint use of facilities owned by school districts.

Policy 1.5: Multipurpose open space. Design public facilities as multipurpose open space and recreation to serve the community’s infrastructure needs while preserving and enhancing open space and water features. Prioritize the use of existing basins for existing areas, and for future areas prioritize the development of separate park facilities available year round.

Policy 1.6: Linkages. Link open space, parks, and recreation facilities by incorporating flood control channels into the city’s bicycle and trail system.

Policy 1.7: Sustainability. Develop new and maintain existing parks and recreation facilities to achieve fiscal and environmental sustainability.

Policy 1.8: Funding. Require new development to provide pocket and neighborhood parks, dedicate land for area parks, and pay impact fees for community and regional parks. Require new development to establish lighting and landscape maintenance districts to fund operations and maintenance.

Policy 1.9: Master plan. Periodically update the Parks Master Plan to direct the implementation of the city’s open space facilities.

Policy 2.1: Stewardship. Promote responsible planning and management of land and resources among property owners.

Policy 2.2: New development. Encourage new development to incorporate on-site natural resources and low impact development techniques.

Policy 2.3: Visual resources. Maintain public views of open spaces, parks, and natural features. Enhance views along roadways and trails. Preserve Clovis’ viewshed of the surrounding foothills and orient new development to capitalize on views of the Sierra Nevada.

Policy 2.4: Agricultural lands. Preserve the city’s agricultural legacy through the Agricultural land use designation, memorialize agricultural history and culture, and facilitate thoughtful conversion of lands to development.

Policy 2.5: Right to farm. Support, encourage, and protect agricultural operations within Clovis and recognize their right to farm.

Policy 2.6: Biological resources. Support the protection of biological resources through the conservation of high quality habitat area. 

Policy 2.7: Native plants. Encourage the use of native and climate-appropriate plant species and prohibit the use of plant species known to be invasive.

Policy 2.8: Urban forest. Maintain and enhance a diverse and healthy urban forest on public and private lands. 

Policy 2.9: National and state historic resources. Preserve historical sites and buildings of state or national significance in accordance with the Secretary of Interior Standards for Historic Rehabilitation. 

Policy 2.10: Local historic resources. Encourage property owners to maintain the historic integrity of the site by (listed in order of preference): preservation, adaptive reuse, or memorialization. 

Policy 2.11: Old Town. Prioritize the preservation of the historic character and resources of Old Town.

Policy 2.12: Public education. Support public education efforts for residents and visitors about the unique historic, natural, and cultural resources in Clovis.

Policy 3.1: Stormwater management. Encourage the use of low impact development techniques that retain or mimic natural features for stormwater management.

Policy 3.2: Stormwater pollution. Minimize the use of non-point source pollutants and stormwater runoff.

Policy 3.3: Well water. Prohibit the use of new private wells in new development.

Policy 3.4: Drought-tolerant landscaping. Promote water conservation through the use of drought-tolerant landscaping on existing and new residential properties. Require drought-tolerant landscaping for all new commercial and industrial development and city-maintained landscaping, unless used for recreation purposes. 

Policy 3.5: Energy and water conservation. Encourage new development and substantial rehabilitation projects to exceed energy and water conservation and reduction standards set in the California Building Code. 

Policy 3.6: Renewable Energy. Promote the use of renewable and sustainable energy sources to serve public and private sector development.

Policy 3.7: Construction and design. Encourage new construction to incorporate energy efficient building and site design strategies. 

Open Space and Conservation Element Exhibits