
The circulation element determines the transportation system necessary to accommodate the planned land use and development. 

Key Issues

The primary issue for the circulation element is to maintain and improve the road network to safely and efficiently move people and goods in cars and trucks. However, it is also important to reduce vehicle miles traveled through coordinated land use planning and facilitating non-automotive travel (i.e., transit, bikes, and walking). Additionally, the community highly values an extensive recreational trail system that adds to the quality of life.

The circulation element and the associated diagrams set forth the goals, policies, and general parameters for the development of the transportation system. However, the specific designs and geometry of the transportation elements, (such as street and bicycle path cross sections, street alignment, streetscape widths and treatments, etc.), are to be determined by a comprehensive street system master plan that will also incorporate the standards from existing specific plans.  

Figure C-1 provides the basic structure of the roadway system. Within the northwest growth area, arterials and the collectors are considered major roadways (generally on the half-mile grid including International, Perrin, Peach, Minnewawa north of Behymer, Sunnyside diagonal, Auberry Road, and Preuss), with alignments that are similar to those shown on the diagram. The exact locations of these streets will be determined by a separate action utilizing a plan line or other appropriate geometry study. Other collectors are shown conceptually and the exact alignment and number of collectors may vary.   

Figure C-2 is reflective of the current Bicycle System Master Plan that is updated periodically and is the guiding document for implementation of the bicycle transportation system.


OVERARCHING GOAL: A comprehensive and well-maintained multimodal circulation system that provides for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods.

Policy 1.1: Multimodal network. The city shall plan, design, operate, and maintain the transportation network to promote safe and convenient travel for all users: pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, freight, and motorists.

Policy 1.2: Transportation decisions. Decisions should balance the comfort, convenience, and safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists.

Policy 1.3: Age and mobility. The design of roadways shall consider all potential users, including children, seniors, and persons with disabilities.

Policy 1.4: Jobs and housing. Encourage infill development that would provide jobs and services closer to housing, and vice versa, to reduce citywide vehicle miles travelled and effectively utilize the existing transportation infrastructure.

Policy 1.5: Neighborhood connectivity. The transportation network shall provide multimodal access between neighborhoods and neighborhood-serving uses (educational, recreational, or neighborhood commercial uses).

Policy 1.6: Internal circulation. New development shall utilize a grid or modified-grid street pattern. Areas designated for residential and mixed-use village developments should feature short block lengths of 200 to 600 feet.

Policy 1.7: Narrow streets. The City may permit curb-to-curb dimensions that are narrower than current standards on local streets to promote pedestrian and bicycle connectivity and enhance safety.

Policy 1.8: Network completion. New development shall complete the extension of stub streets planned to connect to adjacent streets, where appropriate.

Policy 2.1: Level of service. The following is the City’s level of service (LOS) standards:

  • A. Achieve LOS D vehicle traffic operations during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours
  • B. Allow exceptions on a case-by-case basis where lower levels of service would result in other public benefits, such as:
    • i. Preserving agriculture or open space land
    • ii. Preserving the rural/historic character of a neighborhood
    • iii. Preserving or creating a pedestrian-friendly environment in Old Town or mixed-use village districts
    • iv. Avoiding adverse impacts to pedestrians, cyclists, and mass transit riders
    • v. Where right-of-way constraints would make capacity expansion infeasible

Policy 2.2: Multimodal LOS. Monitor the evolution of multimodal level of service (MMLOS) standards. The city may adopt MMLOS standards when appropriate. 

Policy 2.3: Fair share costs. New development shall pay its fair share of the cost for circulation improvements in accordance with the city’s traffic fee mitigation program.

Policy 2.4: Right-of-way dedication. The city may require right-of-way dedication essential to the circulation system in conjunction with any development or annexation. The City shall request the County of Fresno to apply the same requirements in the Clovis planning area.

Policy 2.5: Regional and state roadway funding. Coordinate with the County of Fresno, City of Fresno, Fresno Council of Governments, and Caltrans to fund roadway improvements adjacent to and within the City’s Planning Area.

Policy 3.1: Traffic calming. Employ traffic-calming measures in new developments and existing neighborhoods to control traffic speeds and maintain safety.

Policy 3.2: Neighborhood compatibility. Periodically review and update design standards to ensure that new and redesigned streets are compatible with the context of adjacent neighborhoods. 

Policy 3.3: Old Town and mixed use village centers. Transportation decisions on local streets in Old Town and mixed-use village centers shall prioritize pedestrians, then bicyclists, then mass transit, then motorists.

Policy 3.4: Road diets. Minimize roadway width as feasible to serve adjacent neighborhoods while maintaining sufficient space for public safety services. 

Policy 3.5: Roadway widening. Only consider street widening or intersection expansions after considering multimodal alternative improvements to non-automotive facilities.

Policy 3.6: Soundwalls. Design roadway networks to disperse traffic to minimize traffic levels. Discourage soundwalls along new collector and local streets when feasible.

Policy 3.7: Conflict points. Minimize the number of and enhance safety at vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle conflict points. 

Policy 3.8: Access management. Minimize access points and curb cuts along arterials and prohibit them within 200 feet of an intersection where possible. Eliminate and/or consolidate driveways when new development occurs or when traffic operation or safety warrants.

Policy 3.9: Park-once. Encourage “park-once” designs where convenient, centralized public parking areas are accompanied by safe, visible, and well-marked access to sidewalks and businesses. 

Policy 3.10: Pedestrian access and circulation. Entrances at signalized intersections should provide sidewalks on both sides of the entrance that connect to an internal pedestrian pathway to businesses and throughout nonresidential parking lots larger than 50 spaces.

Policy 3.11: Right-of-way design. Design landscaped parkways, medians, and right-of-ways as aesthetic buffers to improve the community’s appearance and encourage non-motorized transportation.

Policy 3.12: Residential orientation. Where feasible, residential development should face local and collector streets to increase visibility and safety of travelers along the streets, and encourage pedestrian and bicycle access.

Policy 4.1: Bike and transit backbone. The bicycle and transit system should connect Shaw Avenue, Old Town, the Medical Center/R&T Park, and the three Urban Centers.

Policy 4.2: Priority for new bicycle facilities. Prioritize investments in the backbone system over other bicycle improvements.

Policy 4.3: Freeway crossings. Require separate bicycle and pedestrian crossings for new freeway extensions and encourage separate crossings where Class I facilities are planned to cross existing freeways.

Policy 4.4: Bicycles and transit. Coordinate with transit agencies to integrate bicycle access and storage into transit vehicles, bus stops, and activity centers.

Policy 4.5: Transit stops. Improve and maintain safe, clean, comfortable, well-lit, and rider-friendly transit stops that are well marked and visible to motorists.

Policy 4.6: Transit priority corridors. Prioritize investments for, and transit services and facilities along the transit priority corridors. 

Policy 4.7: Bus rapid transit. Plan for bus rapid transit and transit-only lanes on transit priority corridors as future ridership levels increase.

Policy 5.1: Complete street amenities. Upgrade existing streets and design new streets to include complete street amenities, prioritizing improvements to bicycle and pedestrian connectivity or safety, consistent with the Bicycle Transportation Master Plan and other master plans.

Policy 5.2: Development-funded facilities. Require development to fund and construct facilities as shown in the Bicycle Transportation Plan when facilities are in or adjacent to the development. 

Policy 5.3: Pathways. Encourage pathways and other pedestrian amenities in Urban Centers and new development 10 acres or larger.

Policy 5.4: Homeowner associations. The city may require homeowner associations to maintain pathways and other bicycle and pedestrian facilities within the homeowner association area.

Policy 5.5: Pedestrian access. Require sidewalks, paths, and crosswalks to provide access to schools, parks, and other activity centers and to provide general pedestrian connectivity throughout the city.

Policy 6.1: Truck routes. Plan and designate truck routes that minimize truck traffic through or near residential areas.

Policy 6.2: Land use. Place industrial and warehousing businesses near freeways and truck routes to minimize truck traffic through or near residential areas.

Policy 7.1: Clovis Avenue extension. Invest in the extension of Clovis Avenue north to Copper Avenue as funding is available.

Policy 7.2: Right-of-way for future extensions. Coordinate with Fresno County, the Fresno Council of Governments, and Caltrans to preserve future right-of-way for extending Clovis Avenue north of Copper Avenue to Auberry Road and future State Route 65.

Policy 7.3: San Joaquin River crossing. Collaborate with the Fresno Council of Governments and appropriate agencies to secure a San Joaquin River crossing between State Route 41 and North Fork Road.