City of Clovis • 1033 Fifth St • Clovis, CA • 93612 • TTY 711

Map Contest 2019
GIS Day 2019 Map Contest Rules
- Entrants must be a student currently residing in Fresno County, California.
- Entrants must be part of one of the four contest divisions:
- Elementary school – grades K to 6
- Intermediate school – grades 7 to 8
- High school – grades 9 to 12
- College
- Entrants may work on the map through school, via a club, or independently, but entries must be submitted from a recognized school or home school.
Entries and Submission
- Entries must be the original work of the entrant, as determined by the GIS Team.
- Entries must be submitted in PDF format.
- Entries must be scaled to fit a printable size between 11 inches by 17 inches to 24 inches by 36 inches. The intended size should be noted in the submission email.
- Entries must be high enough quality that a printed copy is clear and legible.
- Entries may focus on any topic of interest, appropriate for public and professional viewing.
- Maps must include a title, north arrow, and scale.
- Entries must be submitted to by 5pm on Friday, November 1, 2019.
- Email entries must include the Map Contest Submittal Cover Sheet which can be found here.
- Students may enter as many times as they wish but may only win one prize.
- When a map is submitted, the GIS Team will make an initial evaluation of the map to determine whether the quality is minimally acceptable and appropriate citations and credits are given. If problems exist, the GIS Team may decline the entry with comments or instructions to the entrant. Once the GIS Team accepts the map for judging, the entrant will be notified that the map has been successfully entered into the competition.
- One winner from each of the four categories will be chosen by a GIS Team of 3 City of Clovis employees.
- Winners will be announced on the City of Clovis website on Friday, November 8, 2019.
- Winning maps will be printed and displayed at the GIS Day map gallery on Wednesday, November 13, 2019.
- Winning maps will be displayed on the GIS Day page of the City of Clovis website.
- Each of the four winners will receive a one-year subscription for Esri’s ArcGIS for Personal Use program, valued at $100.
Judging Criteria
- 10 points – Clearly identifies key map components such as topic, map title, north arrow, and scale.
- 10 points – Overall presentation is effective in informing about the topic.
- 20 points – Cartography is effective. The composition and visualization help facilitate the viewer’s grasp of the topic. Artistic merit, communication, and graphic composition will be considered.
- 20 points – Data used is appropriate. The map includes and does not exclude significant data or include irrelevant information.
- 20 points – Concept and originality. The map is innovative and original.
- 20 points – Documentation is clear and complete. The maps must be the original work of the entrant. Use of third party or commercial technology is permitted, but must be appropriately cited. The data, if not produced by the entrant, must also be appropriately cited.
If you have any questions, please email