Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2023 Community Survey! Your feedback will be used to shape the future of Clovis, and we truly appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

2023 Community Survey Overview

In the interest of collecting critical feedback from our community to help shape the future of our city, The City of Clovis has been distributing the National Community Survey to our residents biennially since 2013 in partnership with Polco.

The following page includes more information on how our 2023 survey was conducted, highlights and takeaways, and links to view the complete survey report for 2023 and all previous years.

About The Survey

National Community Survey (NCS), Developed and Distributed by Polco
Conducted Over Six Weeks from September 1, 2023 - October 13, 2023
Surveys mailed to 3,000 randomly selected households to ensure scientific integrity
Respondents: 394 Response Rate: 13% Confidence Level: 95% Margin of Error: +/-5%

Survey Highlights

Below are a few highlights identified by our survey partner, Polco:

While results for Clovis’s 2021 iteration of The National Community Survey showed a slight decline in resident sentiment toward educational and cultural opportunities (a common nationwide trend related to the COVID-19 pandemic), many of these ratings have rebounded in 2023. Assessments of the overall opportunities for education, culture, and the arts trended upwards from 61% excellent or good in 2021 to 71% in 2023. Public library services also garnered higher evaluations this year, with at least 8 in 10 respondents offering favorable marks. Similar increases were seen in ratings for K-12 education (86%) and adult educational opportunities (82%), both of which were higher than national benchmark comparisons, and the latter of which ranked 8th out of 300 comparison communities across the nation. Also scoring higher than national averages was the availability of affordable quality childcare/preschool (61%).

The overall economic health of Clovis was positively rated by about 8 in 10 respondents, which trended upward by about 10% since 2021 and scored higher than national averages. Likewise, 8 in 10 residents also praised the overall quality of business and service establishments, as well as Clovis as a place to work, both ranking higher than national and custom benchmark comparisons. Around three -quarters of residents offered high marks to the vibrancy of Old Town/commercial areas, the variety of business and service establishments, and shopping opportunities, all of which exceeded benchmarks. Employment opportunities in Clovis also received higher-than-average marks, with 6 in 10 rating this item as excellent or good. Still, in response to a custom question developed by the City, 84% of residents said it was essential or very important for Clovis to focus on increasing employment opportunities. Similarly, respondents favorably evaluated economic development services in Clovis (70% excellent or good), surpassing national benchmarks, and 83% also prioritized economic development as an area for City investment moving forward.

While 2021 saw a decline in ratings for the overall quality of the natural environment, 77% of respondents offered positive marks in 2023, representing an almost 10% increase since the previous survey. A similar upward trend was seen in evaluations for water resources, from 48% positive in 2021 to 58% this year. The largest shift in ratings occurred in residents’ perceptions of air quality, with 40% positively reviewing this in 2023; while lower than the national average, this assessment increased by about 16% since 2021 and represents the highest rating recorded since surveying began in 2013. Other survey items in this facet remained strong and stable. Most residents gave high marks to yard waste pick-up services (86%
positive and higher than the national benchmark). Three-quarters of respondents were pleased with Clovis’s recycling services (77% positive) and the overall cleanliness of the city, both in line with comparison communities. At least half also offered positive reviews of Clovis open space and the preservation of natural areas. In addition, residents voiced support for continued focus on Clovis’s natural environment. About 8 in 10 rated it essential or very important for the City to invest in parks/trails and to protect natural resources in Clovis, indicating that this area continues to be both a community asset and priority.

Survey items related to community design remained favorable and largely stable, with a few upward trends. Notably, the overall appearance of Clovis was rated positively by 85% of respondents, scoring higher than the national benchmark. Slight gains were seen in the preservation of the historical or cultural character of the community (80% positive and higher than the benchmark), as well as public places where people want to spend time (73%). Sentiments for the overall design or layout of residential and commercial areas held steady, with 7 in 10 rating this as excellent or good. Similarly, ratings leveled out for the overall quality of new development (61%) and the variety of housing options (50%), each maintaining stable scores this year after experiencing some declines from 2019 to 2021. Additionally, roughly 6 in 10 respondents highly evaluated the quality of well-planned residential growth and well-planned commercial growth, the latter of which exceeded national averages. Despite these favorable assessments, around 8 in 10 residents labeled the facet of community design as an essential or very important area of focus. Respondents also reported high levels of importance for custom question items regarding community design, with a particular emphasis on growth and affordable housing. About 86% prioritized City investment in land use planning, and 77% deemed it essential or very important for Clovis to focus on planning,  development, and growth management in the coming two years. Similarly, 77% of respondents considered City investment in affordable housing essential or very important; slightly fewer (73%) also said affordable housing was a major or moderate problem in the community, and 71% rated it essential or very important for Clovis to address affordable housing in the coming two years. Finally, residents were also given the opportunity to provide input on the amount of certain types of housing available in Clovis: the majority indicated that there were not enough housing options for young residents (67%) or for people experiencing homelessness (62%); at least half of respondents also reported a need for more low-income housing options, middle-income housing options, senior assisted living, and independent housing options for older adults.

Our Top 5 Takeaways

  1. When compared to benchmark cities, Clovis shines. Clovis was evaluated against a list of statistically similar cities throughout the United States and came out on top in a number of areas, ranking number one in over 30 categories including as a place to raise children, a place to work, and overall sense of community pride. 
  2. Community satisfaction fell in many categories during the COVID-19 pandemic, but numbers are bouncing back. Some areas in which we are currently rebounding and seeing positive growth include economic health; overall feeling of safety; opportunities for education, culture, and the arts; and the likelihood of recommending Clovis to someone who asks. We’ve also seen incredible progress in the area of inclusivity.
  3. Despite a great deal of positive growth in 2023, we still of course have areas in which we can – and are committed to – improving. Crime and housing are two of these areas. 
  4. Clovis residents are concerned about crime in our community and feel investing in public safety is essential. While the overall feeling of safety reported by residents has improved since our last survey in 2021, this number is still down from previous years. In our 2023 survey, the majority of residents identified crime as a moderate or major concern, and 95% said investing in public safety was very important or essential.
  5. Residents are increasingly concerned about the economy and housing. Though Clovis residents held mostly positive sentiments about our local economy, they also shared concern about the impact the overall economy will have on their family. In addition, since we began our survey in 2013, overall satisfaction with the variety and availability of affordable housing in Clovis has been trending downward, and in 2023, more than 2/3 of residents said that investing in affordable housing was very important or essential. 

Complete Survey Reports