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A Historic Decision: The Clovis City Council Selects the City’s First-Ever Election District Map for Future City Council Elections

Clovis, CA, March 6, 2025 – The Clovis City Council made a historic decision Tuesday evening. Following months of careful deliberation and extensive public outreach, the Clovis City Council has officially selected the City’s first-ever election district map.

After over 100 years of at-large elections, the Clovis City Council commenced the transition from at-large to by-district elections in October of 2024 to mitigate costs associated with potential legal challenges under the California Voting Rights Act. In mid-November, the City began holding Public Hearings; in mid-December, the City began accepting community draft map submissions; in early January, the City held a Community Map-Drawing Workshop; and on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, the City held the fifth and final Public Hearing to select the City’s first election district map. During this hearing, the Clovis City Council reviewed the map submissions, heard from experts and the public, and after discussion, voted 4-1 to select map submission 502 with a reordering of the originally drafted district numbers – which does not affect the boundaries of the chosen districts. At the same meeting, the City Council introduced an ordinance to establish by-district elections in the City, based on the selected map, starting with the November 2026 election. The ordinance is scheduled to be adopted at the March 10, 2025, City Council meeting.

The final selected map meets all federal and state requirements, including but not limited to the designation of districts of equal population that are geographically contiguous and compact with easily identifiable boundaries. The final map follows a five-district structure with one Councilmember representing each district.

What does this mean for Clovis residents? Historically, Clovis City Councilmembers have been elected under an at-large election system whereby all Councilmembers are elected by voters of the entire city. Under the new district-based election system, each Councilmember must reside within their designated election district boundary and will be elected only by the voters in that district. Current Councilmembers will complete their full terms serving the community at-large, and in future elections, Council candidates will be required to run to represent the district in which they live. In 2026, districts 1, 4, and 5 will be up for election, and in 2028, districts 2 and 3 will be up for election. The map may also be adjusted after the Census cycle.

The final map, all map draft submissions, accompanying demographic data, meeting documents, and more are available for review at