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Painting addresses on curbs

We have become aware that curb painters are soliciting in several Clovis neighborhoods and we wanted clarify a few things.

  • Addresses on curbs are not required in the city of Clovis.
  • Businesses or persons must have a valid Clovis business license and permit to solicit door to door sales or service.
  • If you have a “No Soliciting” sign posted visibly at your front door, even if they have a permit, they may not contact you. We provide a free sign to print and post here:

Here are a few phone numbers and points of contact if you have any questions-

  • To report a suspicious person, suspicious activity, or subjects soliciting without a permit, please call our nonemergency phone number for the police department at 559-324-2800.
  • To inquire about obtaining a business license in the city of Clovis, please call 559-324-2112.